Montana Bird Advocacy Publications
Christmas Island Frigatebirds on Socotra, Dutch Birding
First nests of Olive-faced Flatbill, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club
Canada Jays caching snowberry fruits, Canadian Field-Naturalist
Winter interactions of Sharp-shinned Hawks, Journal of Raptor Research
Canada Jay predation on winter ticks, Northwestern Naturalist
Nectar robbing by Sword-billed Hummingbirds, Ornitología Neotropical
Status of Stygian Owls in Peru, Cotinga
Weaver predation on frogs, Bulletin of the African Bird Club
Nectar robbing by a Volcano Hummingbird, Ornitología Neotropical
Rock Wren predation on Sagebrush Lizard, Western Birds
Lesser Goldfinches nesting in Montana, Western Birds
Black-billed Magpie predation on adult birds, Northwestern Naturalist
Use of rattle calls by nesting Belted Kingfishers, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Incubation behavior of Evening Grosbeaks, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Lewis's Woodpeckers prey on nestling passerines, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Black-chinned Hummingbirds nesting in hardware store, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Nectar robbing by a Purple-collared Woodstar, Cotinga, cover
Cedar Waxwings feed at sap wells, Northwestern Naturalist
Breeding biology of Costa's Hummingbirds, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Allopreening by Sennar Penduline Tits, Bulletin of the African Bird Club
Food caching by Black-billed Magpies, Northwestern Naturalist
Prairie Falcon kills Canada Goose, Journal of Raptor Research
Garter snake predation on nestling Dark-eyed Junco, Northwestern Naturalist
Clark's Nutcrackers cache seeds in trees, Canadian Field-Naturalist
Incubation period of Austral Pygmy-Owls, Journal of Raptor Research
Food caching by nesting Common Ravens, Northwestern Naturalist
Burrow Excavation by Belted Kingfishers, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Multiple Nesting by Calliope Hummingbirds and Rufous Hummingbirds, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Mobbing of Common Nighthawks, Wilson Journal of Ornithology
Cowbird Parasitism on Nelson’s Sparrow, Wilson Bulletin