About the montana bird records committee
The Montana Bird Records Committee was formed in 1991 to objectively evaluate reports of rare birds. The MBRC has three main functions: (1) to evaluate written reports and supporting documentation for the occurrence of rare birds and other unusual observations (e.g., out-of-season or outside normal range within the state) in Montana; (2) to maintain an official list of Montana birds; and (3) to maintain an official tally of the number of accepted records for each “rare” species (i.e., species documented 20 or fewer times in the state).
Prothonotary Warbler (MBRC 2008-026) near Fort Peck, 24 May 2008 (Ed Harper photo).
To be included in the Montana Bird Distribution database, the MBRC requires written reports for all bird species documented 20 or fewer times in the state. Click here for a list of Review Species and here for a rare bird report form. Please send your report and other supporting documentation (e.g., high-resolution jpeg and/or sound recording) to Jeff Marks (jsmarks17@gmail.com).
Committee Members
Rose Leach | Chair
Jeff Marks | Secretary
Dan Casey*
Josh Covill
Coburn Currier
Tom Forwood Jr.
Andrew Guttenberg**
Ed Harper
Craig Hohenberger
Nate Kohler
John Parker
Tricia Rodriguez***
Forrest Rowland
Kate Stone
Hilary Turner**
* Rejoined in 2020
** Joined in 2020
*** Joined in 2023
Annual meeting of the MRBC at Great Falls on 8 October 2022. Left to right: Josh Covill, Craig Hohenberger, John Parker, Dan Casey, Ed Harper, Nate Kohler, Jeff Marks, Coburn Currier, Rose Leach, Hilary Turner, Kate Stone, and Andrew Guttenberg. Missing are Tom Forwood Jr., Ted Nordhagen, and Forrest Rowland.
Annual meeting of the MRBC held via Zoom on 25 September 2020. Left to right, top to bottom: Jeff Marks, John Carlson, Nate Kohler, Kate Stone, Rose Leach, Coburn Currier, Ed Harper, John Parker, Forrest Rowland, Tom Forwood Jr., Josh Covill, and Craig Hohenberger (audio only). Missing: Ted Nordhagen.
Annual meeting of the MRBC at Great Falls on 11 October 2019. Left to right: Craig Hohenberger, Ted Nordhagen, Coburn Currier, Tom Forwood Jr., John Parker, Jeff Marks, Rose Leach, Nate Kohler, John Carlson, Ed Harper, and Josh Covill. Missing are Kate Stone and Forrest Rowland.
Annual meeting of the MRBC at Great Falls on 6 October 2017. Left to right: Ted Nordhagen, Jeff Marks, Nate Kohler, Bob Martinka, Ed Harper, Craig Hohenberger, Rose Leach, Forrest Rowland, Josh Covill, Kate Stone, John Parker, Coburn Currier, and John Carlson.
Group photo from the annual meeting in Great Falls on 7 October 2016. Left to right: Ted Nordhagen, Jeff Marks (Secretary), Forrest Rowland, Bob Martinka, Craig Hohenberger, Chuck Carlson (retired at close of meeting), Coburn Currier, Rose Leach (Chair), Nate Kohler, Ed Harper, and John Carlson. Missing: Harriet Marble and Fritz Prellwitz, both of whom retired from the Committee in 2016.